Access Control for Enterprise Chatbots

Build permission-aware enterprise chatbots that respect the access control rules defined in your target systems.

Access Control for RAG

Enterprise chatbot demo that respects document permissions

Dark Sea FloorLottie

Capture permissions during indexing

Use the Aserto Directory APIs to capture the permissions associated with your documents during the indexing phase.

Automated API onboarding

Filter your documents during retrieval phase

When processing a user's query, filter down the retrieved results to the resources that the user has permission to view.

Lightning-fast authorization

Governance out of the box

Trivially answer questions like "which users have access to this resource" and "which resources does this user have access to", all from our graphical console, CLI, or APIs.


Effortless integration with your identity provider

Make authorization decisions based on the users and groups in your identity provider or directory. Native integrations with Okta, Entra (Azure AD), LDAP, AWS Cognito, Google Workspace, FusionAuth, SCIM, and more!


Authorization as easy as an API call